Friday, December 11, 2009

Cover Lover Examples What Are Some Tricks You've Learned Over The Years?

What are some tricks you've learned over the years? - cover lover examples

How many of you, I love to cook. Everyone has their own tricks to make something up his sleeve for your favorite cook. I wonder, would you be willing to share secrets with the rest of us Gourmet? : D For example, I found that is when cooking the chicken, as I cover with foil, cook meat until it is wet, after fifteen minutes from time took the paper to the skin crispy and tasty.
Good answer! : D


19DELTAW... said...

The best trick of cooking, how fast to a man's heart is through his stomach:)

JennyP said...

Lessons in Love in the kitchen:

1. Enjoy a glass of Merlot, while the sautéed mushrooms, grilled meats
2. Grated Parmesan to spaghetti sauce, while the cuisine
3. To brown sugar instead of white in a Marinara Sauce
4. Glazed carrots with caramelized onions and brown sugar high
5. Instead of white sugar, brown underachievers for the use of cup creme brulee and the use of a flashlight held cooks torches.
6. Brine the turkey for Thanksgiving in a mixture of butter and spices for Turkey brining eat better before!
7. A martini with two olives Tangueray tastes better with a salad of chopped Romaine lettuce home baby, ripe pears, gorgonzola, candied walnuts and champagne vinaigrette.
8. Foods with lots of love is perfectly in rule!

Down With Bottled Water! said...

The perfect way to start, to a roast chicken or turkey breast and cook like that about 2 / 3 full cooking time. Then send it to the last 1 / 3. The breast meat was incredibly moist and protects the skin is nice and crisp. Bake discovered all the time.

Always add 1 / 4 c. Cinnamon tea for my spaghetti sauce. I know that sounds funny. But I am happy to cinnamon. Only very good extra flavor, any love. Try it and see.

Tio Paco said...

If you are a sauce from a street when you can accidentally burn the flour, you remove the burnt taste with a hint of peanut butter. You will not taste the peanut butter or burnt taste. Weird, huh? However, it works.

Crazy Horse said...

If I tell you, I have to kill you. lol

Spaghetti sauce. Add a little milk and brown sugar to reduce the acidity of the tomatoes.

That is all I say now.

Enessa said...

I love my rice before cooking fried in butter. if the act is cooking the rice so sweet and rich flavor.

Catherin... said...

use in the use of skim milk in a recipe, a little less than indicated.

Skim milk has a thinner consistency.

Catherin... said...

use in the use of skim milk in a recipe, a little less than indicated.

Skim milk has a thinner consistency.

MOTEI said...

How ar u huuuuuuuuuuu

bret_mcc... said...

When cooking ribs in the oven, add a Coca-Cola taste and adds, also reduces fat

For a moist, tender roast beef or into an earthenware Sear, before they

Refrigerator all ingredients, including a cake of dried soil for best results should be done if you can use a food processor, you can also use butter or lard freeze

To peel the apples, quickly dip in and out of boiling water. Succeed.

Is to prevent the discoloration of peeled and sliced peeled apples in a saucepan with cold water to a pinch of salt added (for each of peeled apples).

For the decision to avoid salads, sliced apples in a sauce of lemon juice that the cuts to blacken it.

Use parchment paper on the leaves of the "cookie" is a godsend, reduce the cleaning effort, it seems that the heat evenly, wrap the fish in the same part of the verse

during cooking of French fries, Tater Tots or portable, with Pam and season

Investing in a size # 90 or # 100 COO Scoop money found by boilingGravel, melon balls, filling the devil eggs, filling molds or mini -

Spry cake server with PAM and wipe gently before use

Before cutting a cake knife plunge into cold water

Pan, cold oil = Non-Stick

Rice cooker or spray with PAM clay pot for easy cleaning

Vasoline petroleum jelly do not use their advice cooling prolong life. They are prevented by more brittle and cracking. make twice this year

Kitchen knives stay sharper when it comes to the end of the cutting board when using

Ok I'm tired of writing


bret_mcc... said...

When cooking ribs in the oven, add a Coca-Cola taste and adds, also reduces fat

For a moist, tender roast beef or into an earthenware Sear, before they

Refrigerator all ingredients, including a cake of dried soil for best results should be done if you can use a food processor, you can also use butter or lard freeze

To peel the apples, quickly dip in and out of boiling water. Succeed.

Is to prevent the discoloration of peeled and sliced peeled apples in a saucepan with cold water to a pinch of salt added (for each of peeled apples).

For the decision to avoid salads, sliced apples in a sauce of lemon juice that the cuts to blacken it.

Use parchment paper on the leaves of the "cookie" is a godsend, reduce the cleaning effort, it seems that the heat evenly, wrap the fish in the same part of the verse

during cooking of French fries, Tater Tots or portable, with Pam and season

Investing in a size # 90 or # 100 COO Scoop money found by boilingGravel, melon balls, filling the devil eggs, filling molds or mini -

Spry cake server with PAM and wipe gently before use

Before cutting a cake knife plunge into cold water

Pan, cold oil = Non-Stick

Rice cooker or spray with PAM clay pot for easy cleaning

Vasoline petroleum jelly do not use their advice cooling prolong life. They are prevented by more brittle and cracking. make twice this year

Kitchen knives stay sharper when it comes to the end of the cutting board when using

Ok I'm tired of writing


chefgril... said...

OK, here are a few:

Share your hard-boiled eggs stuffed with mashed potato to egg salad (the hard disk with large holes) or the disc hidden small eggs.

For deviled eggs, stuffed shells, all of which must be filled only with a sliding cut a corner. Easy to clean.

When a recipe calls for wine, you can use a 4-pack of small bottles of wine. A bottle is about a cup, and it works well for risotto and sauces. In this way, you do not need to open a whole bottle for a few.

A cheap coffee grinder is for grinding of pepper and spices ideal for fresher taste.

When a recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of soup. Tomato paste, he receives only a small sheet of aluminum foil, plop more spaces to provide frozen, then in a foil in the freezer. You have the tomato sauce in the application the next time.

Whenever you shrimp, crab or lobster for dinner (at home or in the restaurant) with the exception of mussels. Boil the action as you would for chicken or turkey. Did you maintain a good base for soup or biscuits andGreat in the freezer.

I am probably more, but that's all I can currently think of it!

chefgril... said...

OK, here are a few:

Share your hard-boiled eggs stuffed with mashed potato to egg salad (the hard disk with large holes) or the disc hidden small eggs.

For deviled eggs, stuffed shells, all of which must be filled only with a sliding cut a corner. Easy to clean.

When a recipe calls for wine, you can use a 4-pack of small bottles of wine. A bottle is about a cup, and it works well for risotto and sauces. In this way, you do not need to open a whole bottle for a few.

A cheap coffee grinder is for grinding of pepper and spices ideal for fresher taste.

When a recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of soup. Tomato paste, he receives only a small sheet of aluminum foil, plop more spaces to provide frozen, then in a foil in the freezer. You have the tomato sauce in the application the next time.

Whenever you shrimp, crab or lobster for dinner (at home or in the restaurant) with the exception of mussels. Boil the action as you would for chicken or turkey. Did you maintain a good base for soup or biscuits andGreat in the freezer.

I am probably more, but that's all I can currently think of it!

dubious said...

I am the same with cheese lasagna on the bottom only, but not too brown!

Let's see .... Here are some more tips for you!

Always replace the organic applesauce for the oil industry in the recipe for the cake to absorb moisture from the cake, called without reserve to the addition of all calories. It is a wonderful alternative!

I cut the brown paper bags, they are folded on the head, in the middle, then transferred to freshly baked cookies in her cold. It drains a large amount of excess oil.

(See a theme here? "I like the taste too fat and if I can, without losing flavor cut calories, yo!)

I use frozen vegetables, canned goods at any time, but I have a recipe that calls for a tin of mixed vegetables. You have to be good taste fresher! (Just as the courts hotdish Tater tot!)

In cream, I want to be to replace alcohol vanilla flavored extra treatment. How could I use a teaspoon of cream liqueur apple whip me check for an apple cake or a dollop of whipped cream to c KaluhaT chocolate cake.

I buy nuts in bulk and freeze in zip-lock bag. Much cheaper!

Also, add the brown sugar Saur kraut ... This makes it much more palatable and less terribly bitter.

And, of course, a spoonful of sugar to spaghetti sauce to make it less bitter. So, if I am any kind of potted tomato soup, which was in him. A spoonful of sugar does wonders for bringing the natural flavor of the tomatoes.

That's all I can remember my head!

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