Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quotes On Fish Sticks How Important Is "originality" In A Tattoo Design?

How important is "originality" in a tattoo design? - quotes on fish sticks

Check out this famous quote from an interview with Pat Fish (World Women's Celtic tattoo artist for his drawings). He left in 2003:

"The students began to look for something with meaning. The default is something big in Japan. It is a small commitment, in May and feel bad, and tattooed. To be honest, look a little better, a little pink kanji. We have the" corn sticks called. The tattoo is more widespread than we do, in addition to the kanji, the soles of the feet. Especially in the lower back for girls. Over the past four or five years we have at least one days. hung a sign on my door and said: "This is the bungalow in the sun cracks buyback. ......

"We work from the files. I have a fair Suns file. In this way, you do not always have the same legs. After the client expects third 500 different Suns have the same sun. This is the logo for this generation-tribal SO Leo Zulueta. Then you can get even more sense to put a Kanji in the middle, my mantraFor example, do not complain, "The baker, when the muffins are good to sell." So, if you bake a dozen other kanji are happy to do it! "
(Source: http://www.luckyfish.com/controversial.h ...

Hmmm ... What is the "logo" for this generation?

Here's the cynical view of the artist. Most are likely to do so tired of the same "no original" parts. (At the beginning of this article, which says: "This is what the employees are good!")

But there is in the standard model should be, everyone knows him in the sense of a "standard" comes out. If all the lights say through the use of different colors, "Stop" and "Go", that would be very confusing.

Your opinion?


Olivia! said...

I am very sorry for the tattooists who are daily 3.4 ass antlers. As an apprentice piercing I feel like every time a girl, a generic name is either your tongue, navel pierced, or weep give both. You can not man, but guilt, we are all victims of trafficking to look good. Some of us could go and a tattoo on a whim, but otherwise expressed.

halftheb... said...

At 38 I had my first tattoo and just ... I wanted this design for over 20 years. I found that I liked an artist, his work was excellent, and I am very happy with it. I saw the flash, just out of curiosity, then showed him what he wanted. The ink is 3-4 hours in which we talk to some. His vision was the same fish, although not all names, except for those children. I want to do so until the end of my days, why look to third parties? Creativity is a bonus. A flash says: "This is the best thing I could do. / I do not know whether or not a new concept that some of my ass." To facilitate the satisfaction, why not the logo of Coca-Cola on the front Tattoo'd? As for the artist needs to be cynical, I practice my art, not a hack and put trash on the same day, but I, you think, what you do to pay the bills ... ;)

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